To help you do your best on the STAMP, we’ve answered a few commonly asked questions about the exam below:
- The STAMP is entirely multiple choice, and focuses mainly on listening and reading comprehension. There is no oral component.
- There are no formal study guides for the exam, but when you request the STAMP from our office, we’ll send you a link to a practice test to give you a better idea of the structure of the test.
- You can take the STAMP online with a proctor. There's no need to go to a testing center. Professors, work supervisors, university administrators, or tutors are all suitable choices to proctor a STAMP test.
- Do you attend a university that requires the STAMP as part of its curriculum? Contact for more information on how to transfer that score to your application.

All STAMP tests must be completed by deadline of the program to which you are applying, but we find that many graduating seniors find it more convenient to submit the test request form during the fall semester, before going on winter break. Good luck!