HNC Certificate '09/ SAIS MA '11 Five-Semester Option
Matawan-Aberdeen, New Jersey
Undergraduate Institution and Major:
Peking University - International Politics
Favorite course at the Center:
Social Issues of China's Modernization with Professor Hua Tao
Center extra-curricular activities:
Basketball, Karaoke contest
Why did you choose the Hopkins-Nanjing Center?
To meet people with similar backgrounds - interested in understanding China and Asia from both a Chinese and Western perspective
What are you doing now?
I'm the Director of Business Development at ZeniMax Asia Pacific. We bring Western games such as Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom, & Quake to China, Korea, and Southeast Asia. We also seek out co-development/licensing opportunities and find investment opportunities in the Asian IT sector.
How did the HNC and SAIS prepare you for your job?
Game operations rely heavily on statistics which the economics classes I took at HNC and SAIS greatly assisted with. On the business side, the experience at SAIS helped me understand the financial aspect of running a company. It goes without saying the linguistic abilities (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese) and cultural understanding gained at HNC and SAIS gave me a huge leg up in the job vetting process.