Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The HNC Annual Photo Contest

For the last two years, the HNC has held an annual photo contest. Students submit their best photos from studying at the HNC, living in Nanjing, traveling during school breaks, or visiting home. Winning photos are selected from the following categories: Best Travel Photo, Most Thought-Provoking, Most Beautiful, Most Creative, Most “HNC”, and Best Overall. Check out the winning photos from this year below! 

Best Photo, Stephanie Gruetze, Certificate '18

 新年龙 New Year’s Dragon in 江西 

 Best Photo, Edmund Xu, MAIS '18
Hard work on a snowy day

 Most “HNC”, Joy Joy Yang, Certificate '18
 Music knows no boundaries. Nathan Hsu and Daniel Burke filling the HNC courtyard with the sound of music.

 Most Beautiful, Hou Congrui, Certificate '18
“仲春梅花山下的爱情/ Love of Plum Blossom Hill in Mid-Spring”,摄于中美中心集体前往梅花山观景途中

Most Thought-Provoking , Shubham Karmakar, Certificate '18
Street Art? No. As we say rules are meant to be broken. The four Chinese characters are jointly requesting not to park any vehicle there. And the rest is shown.  A public wall can become a painting – big black ideograms that stain the yellow face of a building. And a public bicycle on it can turn into an (unconscious) act of rebellion.
街头艺术? 不是。众所周知,规则是打算被打破的。 这四个汉字共同要求不要在那里停放任何车辆。并且,我们可以看到公共墙成为了一幅油画 - 大黑图,造成了建筑物的黄色表面上的斑斑。不过, 一辆公共自行车可能会变成一种无意识叛逆行为的代表。

Most Thought-Provoking, Caroline Yarber, MAIS '18 
Hiroshima A-Bomb Dome--73 years ago the first nuclear weapon used in war was detonated 600 meters above this building. With regional tensions at a high point, it's more important than ever to remember the catastrophic potential of nuclear war.
原爆圆顶馆。 73年前,第一枚核武器在该建筑物上方300米处引爆。 随着地区紧张局势的上升,记住核战争的灾难性潜力比以往任何时候都更加重要。

Best Travel Photo, Eli Tirk, MAIS '18
Taken from the halfway point to Roy's Peak near Wanaka. This was an excellent view of the bluest glacial lakes I have ever seen.

Most Creative, Joy Joy Yang, Certificate '18
Reading for 当代中国对外政策课 is important. But getting the HNC basketball jersey ready for the next game is just as important. Happy Laundry Hour!